How much will it cost?
Regrettably I can’t give a fixed price even for a particular type of editing because individual manuscripts vary so much.
However if you can provide me with the following information, I’d be happy to let you have a quote for your project:
What kind of edit do you need? If you are new to publishing please read the definitions of the different kinds of editing first
What kind of document is it? For example a novel, a novella, a memoir or a textbook.
How will you send it to me? By email, other electronic method or by post.
Who is it being published by? For example will you be self-publishing, using a publishing services company or submitting to a particular agent, journal or publisher?
How complicated is it? Does it include illustrations, photos or tables or text that needs to be laid out in a particular format?
How many words are there? Microsoft Word can usually provide an accurate word count.
The start date? When will you send the manuscript to me?
The finish date? When is the book due to be published? Please note you will need to allow time to go through my suggestions and for me to answer any outstanding queries.
I will provide a sample edit which will enable me to gauge what level of editing is required and allow you to see if my approach works for you. The cost of the sample edit is redeemable against my overall fee if you decide to use my services.
Request a sample edit
Use the form below to tell me about your project or request a sample edit.
➤ developmental edit
A read-through of the manuscript commenting on characterisation, pacing, plot and other story elements.
➤ line/copy edit
A read-through of the manuscript noting minor inconsistencies, checking grammar and spelling and flagging possible issues with libel and copyright.
➤ proofreading
A read-through of the manuscript checking for any errors that might have been missed during previous edits or introduced during typesetting.